Want to Write For Do Śmiechu?
If you’re a reliable writer, photographer, or videographer who can consistently produce interesting and engaging content we want to hear from you!
Who is behind Do Śmiechu?
Our team has grown websites from 0 to 8.8 million page views in 7 months, has attracted a Facebook fan base of over 1,300,000 highly engaged users, and currently manages 10+ websites in 7 different languages.
Why Write for Us?
- Promote yourself and your blog to a large audience by having your content published on Do Śmiechu’s website and social/email channels.
- Improving your writing skills by gaining professional experience which can be used on your CV/resume.
- Earn extra money from writing and licensing pictures and videos to us.
What Should I Write About?
- Explore to gain inspiration from what we currently publish and brainstorm ways to take the content to the next level.
- We accept original articles with original high-resolution photos and videos. Combine your written text with engaging photos/videos to improve engagement. We prioritize well-researched, intelligently written articles that will provoke, inform, and entertain.
- Before starting to write a new article, we ask that you send a proposed title and brief description to our editorial team for approval. Pitching a summary of the articles with an outline will enable us to give you better feedback.
How Should I Write the Articles?
- Don’t send press releases or sales pitches.
- Avoid generic content. Get Creative! Your article should have a voice, be bold, interesting, and human.
- Articles should be at least 800 words long and written concisely.
- Include your high-resolution photos and videos to better share you story.
- Readers prefer structure. Use bullet points, short paragraphs, and subheadings.
- Link to helpful resources when it makes sense.
- Include a punch line. Every reader should take away useful lessons or tips.
- End with a brief summary (for longer articles)
How Much Will I Get Paid?
We offer a fixed per-word and per-picture/video compensation rate. All writers start at modest rates and those who consistently produce high-quality content will be rewarded with significant compensation increases.
Ultimately, we’re looking for contributors who can consistently produce great content on a regular basis.
How do I get started?
Ready to get to work? Submit your details on this form.
Once you’re on-board, we’ll share the details about producing content and getting paid.